Friday, June 30, 2006

New Photographer in the family....

We finally got Ethan's photos developed. His grandma had given him a cheap little 110 camera (yes, they STILL make those) to play around with. We stuck some film in there to see what would come out. Not bad for a 4 year old! For the most part, the head complete with face is in the picture and somewhat close to center. Has a bit of trouble discerning when to use the flash...but I guess I can cut him a break, being a newbie and all. Once I figure out how to do it, I'll try to upload a couple of the better shots for everyone to oooo and ahhhh over!

Thursday, June 22, 2006


Yesterday, I took Ethan to the dollar store. He took money out of his bank, picked out one toy, took it to the counter, paid for it, and walked out with his bag on his arm. Major milestone? Probably not. But just another sign that I cannot keep them small (tear, sigh). He was so pleased with himself!

Whoopi Cushion Wow Factor

My four year old has just discovered whoopi cushions. You would thing that we just discoved life on another planet - he is enthralled. All those expensive Christmas/Birthday toys? They are but manure. Life just became much more rich and purposeful for him. So how long must I endure "mommy, you wanna hear me fart?" before the whoopi cushion mysteriously disappears? Oh and talk about acting practice...I must pretend I am surprised and embarrassed everytime I sit down somewhere (even though the fine subtleties of HIDING the cushion are lost on him). Ah, boys...gotta love 'em.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Guess there has to be a "worst"...

Just got back from the Black Hills on a mini-vacation. Guess out of all the vacations you take, one of them has to qualify as the worst....this was it. We went to attend a friend's wedding. Ethan was the ringbearer. We've been to Rapid City, SD two previous times and LOVED it. Well, this time we were stuck in a small camping cabin with a 4 year old, a 1 year old, and rain. Not your drizzly, "deal with it" kind of camping rain...torrential downpours complete with thunder and lightening. No swimming, no hiking, no mini-golf, NO BUFFALO!!! What's the point of vacationing in the prairie if you can't see no stinkin' buffalo? Ugh. Needless to say, I think all future vacations will be in my own back yard until the kids are old enough to entertain themselves. Or at least close enough that if the weather sucks we can simply drive back home. Guess I've been in the city too long....

On a better note, I did get to meet lots of folks who've listened to "my" CD and liked it. That's not so bad...even if they were relatives of the other band members! :)