Brandon and Carla hosted a great get-together for Labor Day on their new deck - nicely done with a fireplace insert and roof over half of it. Great setting for entertainment.
Cousin Destiny My lady killer, Noah
Ethan contemplating Corn Hole...become the beanbag....
Ethan played flag football through the Upward program this year. I saw a big difference in him as the season progressed! A special thank you to his coach for pouring himself out for these boys...Ethan soaks it up.
This is an awesome program. Very good for Ethan. Very time consuming, but I think it was worth it.
Relient K - GREAT CONCERT!!!! Imagine a 38 year old mother of 2 jumping up and down and dancing in the aisle... yep. Not afraid to admit it! This illusionist had the boys going for quite a while with a trick - he'd fix it so Noah could do it very easily but the 3 older boys couldn't. They could NOT figure out how the 4 year old was beating them! It was hilarious!
Ice cream at the dairy barn - nuthin' better!
Fair food: corn dogs (momma had a gyro!)
The giant slide is always a favorite. Ethan was so good with his little brother - helping him carry a sack up the long stairs and making sure he rode with him. Even held his hand in the line! So sweet! (Noah is behind Ethan in this pic)
This was a giant mural that kids could paint. All the boys spent quite a while here having some fun being creative.
All of us outside COSI - as cool as the Science Museum of MN...but farther away :(
Steve is an excellent photographer. Where I was unable to get the entire skeleton when I visited last, he knew just what angle to shoot at. This sculpture is so cool!
The older boys were enjoying the hands-on laser exhibit.
Noah and I discovered the power of pullies.
More machine power...this time levers and counter weights - the boys are lifting a truck. A real truck.
Steve snapped this shot of me doing what I do...checking out the bugs in the native plant area. I like this photo...makes me feel pretty. :)
This machine was a lot of fun - shot balls out the top. Kids were running everywhere catching them and putting them back in the machine.
The ride started out fun, but got a bit taxing by the end. For everyone. :) We survived, though...and learned.