Thursday, June 9, 2011

It's all the teacher's fault

I would like to remind all my fellow fiscal conservatives: I am NOT the reason for educational funding crisis. It is the people you elected. I am also not the reason for the recession. That was Wall Street making bad choices. I am a professional striving for excellence and I work hard for you and your children. I am not a babysitter, nor am I a part time, seasonal worker. I am proud to be a teacher. Please stop blaming me and my fellow teachers for the problems caused by bankers and politicians. We are not your enemies. Oh, and PS - could you also be a little more realistic than asking for a cadillac education on a pinto budget? I am not a magician. If you are going to pay me babysitting wages, why do you demand more than babysitting? This is why unions started in the first place... Thank you. That is all.

1 comment:

Stacy A. said...

Hi Lori- Chris totally identifies with your teacher posts. It is so crazy some days there are no words. You are not alone in the educational mire!