One thing I'm really beginning to enjoy about being single again - my time is MINE. Well, with the exception of taking care of the boys, of course...but they are pretty easy to be spontaneous with. So if, say, my in-laws call me up and say, we'd love to see you before school starts. Are you free anytime?" - I can look at my calendar and say "why yes, how about this weekend?"...and do it all on a Wednesday. So off we went on an impromptu adventure to the beloved mountains of eastern TN. How I've missed them. And quite frankly, I don't care how commercial the area is - there is nothing quite like the Smokey Mountain National Park area.
We stayed in a cabin in Pigeon Forge. It was more like a house, really. The view was breath-taking. And we had great, clear weather so you could see rows and rows of peaks. Mommies favorite part: the HOT TUB. Out on the deck, under the stars....ahhhhhhh. It was also fun watching Ethan and Noah try to play pool -BEFORE killing each other with the cues.
Visited Gatlinburg. I haven't been there in over 13 years and it really hasn't changed much. Felt right at home. Went up in the Space Needle...

(and this is what a bird sees just before pooping on Joyce's head - she's the lone figure on the bench in the center of the photo. She wanted NOTHING to do with going up in that tower! )

Then, after walking around a bit, we rode the chair lift up the side of the mountain. The boys already had practiced with the Ferris Wheel at the fair, so they were pros.

I believe I could have spent $50 in change on those binoculars and it still would not have been enough. They LOVED them!!!

(We weren't exactly sure what Noah was doing here - just kept hiking up the shorts. Maybe this is the boy equivalent to the little girl flashing her skirt/dress up over her head to anyone and everyone? At least he's enjoying himself... :)
It was a wonderful visit with family. Yes, no divorce document can change that. I am and will always be, on some level, the daughter of Joyce and Gerald Funderburk. And I know I will be welcomed and embraced as such. I love them dearly. And they've been a tremendous support throughout. I'm glad to be closer to them so that visits can be more often and...spontaneous!
I had forgotten just how fun it is to have zero plans and just go. I had somehow lost that side of me. Guess it's easy to get buried beneath the natural planning structure mommi-hood and homemaking. Know what else? I think I was sitting around waiting for Rob to actually LEAD and just got used to.....waiting. Instead of doing. With this one little trip I learned:
1. I don't have to wait for someone else to make plans. I can make AND execute them. Even at the last minute. Without permission and without having to check someone else's availability. If I'm available, then let's DO IT! (And if you can't, no offense, but I may just find someone else who can this time and try again with you next time. I just don't want to wait anymore.)
2. I am capable. And I don't really need help. It's nice, but more for the sharing aspect than the need. I'm not turning into a feminist, but rather learning that Lori is just fine as she is - she doesn't HAVE to be half of something. She is whole all by herself. With Jesus.
3. Driving on a long road trip is FUN. There is joy in the journey...not just the destination.
4. Kids are a lot more flexible than I give them credit for.
5. While kids thrive with routines and structure, they are positively giddy about a last minute idea/adventure - no matter how simple it is. Even if we forget to pack something important like a soft blankie or soap. :)
6. you don't have to have a lot of money or time to make great memories. Or even grandios plans. Just do something.
7. I DO love life. My life. And the people who are a part of it with me. And I'm enjoying discovering "Lori" again. And guess what?...she's kinda cool. I like her.
8. I don't have to have someone to share an experience with. It's perfectly OK to indulge myself by myself (ie - that Hot Tub! :))
9. It's more important to live for Christ than it is to live for a husband -and more fulfilling.
10. I will be OK. Not just OK, but GREAT. And so will my kids. We will not just survive - we will thrive!
11. Family doesn't have to be blood.
12. I'm actually looking forward to being back in the classroom. It was my calling, my mission field. I stepped away for a greater mission - my own kids. But I'm OK with this. Perhaps I will be a better mom as I am reaching out to more kids than my own. And learning to trust my Maker with my own.
13. I'm pretty darn good with directions.
Your not "kinda cool", YOU ARE COOL.
Coming from your cool friend,
Mare aka Maryann
I'm SO VERY happy for you my friend and enjoy discovering yourself again.
We go to Pigeon Forge every year for the Lucas Family reunion. We stay in the Hidden Mountain East area. Where you at?
We stayed in an area called Summit something or other. All those cabin communities start to run together. I remember it was steep. And there were mountains around us. Does that help? :)
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