Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Boob Tube

I try to only have one or 2 shows that I watch regularly - 'course now that I have nothing really to do once the kids are in bed, TV is becoming more of a nightly staple. It sucks. I'd rather be cuddling or talking or playing games with my husband than staring at the boob tube. (Actually I plan to start using the time to exercise to some video tapes to continue with the weight loss and to tone the flab from the first 50 lbs) But since Fox has decided to deny me my Jack Bauer for the season, I'm catching up on two shows that intrigued me, but my commitment to 24 prevented my watching them: Heroes and Lost.

Blockbuster has both of these in stock and I must say I am enjoying them both. Still in season one of both of them, but catching up. For Lost, I'm especially enjoying the character background and can't wait to find out another back story. For Heroes, I'm enjoying the plot and find myself in nail biting anticipation to see what happens next. Been a while since I've been completely engrossed in a new show. 24 has been the only one for a couple of years now. Before that, I have to go all the way back to X Files.

I managed to find someone who has FireFly on DVD that I'm going to borrow next. I've heard lots of good things about it and can't wait until I can check it out.

Even though I'm enjoying the shows and I'm even starting to appreciate and perhaps enjoy the time to myself, I really miss being married and having that other person to relate to instead of passively sitting and watching TV. It feels kind of lame sometimes - like I don't have a life. I know it's just a phase right now and hopefully once I'm in a position to have more regular babysitters (my family in Ohio), I can actually start going out with adult friends more often and even perhaps dating (gasp). That prospect is a bit unnerving, but not so much to keep me from jumping in. I just hope it's not like high school - the flirting may be fun but the head games suck. I didn't like them then, and I'm sure I won't like them as a 37 year old mother of two - I don't have time for that.

1 comment:

Jen said...

We liked 24 too, but it's been so long that I've sort of lost my passion for it. There was a time when we'd watch that one together - and my husband never watched TV, except for the news. But he liked 24.