Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Wow. It's been an melencholy start to the week. First, a former student of mine lost her life in a tragic accident with a school but early Monday morning. It was the perfect storm: dark, rainy. The bus just did not see her. I feel for her family but also the bus driver.

It's made me stop and contemplate: am I reflecting Christ to my students? I get so little time with them. I know I cannot outright proselytize, but am I living clear enough that Christ shines through? This young lady was Cambodian and Buddist. Did she know Christ? Here is where I must trust in the character of my God. He is just, yes. But He is also love - the very definition of love. I cannot dare to speculate beyond that truth.

Second, my dear Grandma Bertha's heart is giving out on her. She has lived as a widow for nearly 8 years. Not only lived, but thrived. She did not let the death of my Grandpa Bill send her to her grave. She morned, she grieved, and she celebrated his home going. She is at peace, knowing completely what lies before her. She knows that soon, she will get to see Grandpa again. And her parents and siblings who have gone before her. And most of all...her Savior and the Lover of her soul. While my entire family rejoices with her on this level, there is a gloominess underlying the inevitable. We will miss her. Her smile, her giggle, her quiet strength and unwavering faith. As it is, we vow to cherish each moment of borrowed time we have left. And we pray for a quick home going - no lingering pain or discomfort.

Loss has a way of making you stop and take stock. What is important? What is critical. And more importantly...what is eternal? The answer to all three: your relationships. People.

I don't care if I never travel the world, live in a fancy house, drive an expensive car, have the "right" clothes or accessories. I don't care if I'm never famous or important to anyone except the people I love dearly. I consider myself very fortunate, indeed. I have more than my fair share of family and friends. I have lots of aquaintances, too. There are very few relationships I have made in my life that have ended. And really only one that ended badly - because of the other persons choosing. I think that is wonderful. I hope I never forget that people are eternal. Things are not.

I know I am not perfect in my relationships - I often wish I had the tenacity of my friend James Brooks when it comes to keeping in touch with all of my friends. Alas, I often rely on electronic correspondence. I suppose that is better than nothing, but it's not as personal as I wish I could be. And one drawback to having friends all over the country...I can't be there in body when they need me. But God can. And we will always be connected through our Father.

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